Can You Filter Turkish Coffee? Yes, But Why You Shouldn’t

There’s no denying the allure of Turkish coffee, a method that brings you to coffee’s beginning. However, people accustomed to the clean taste of standard drip/filter coffee often wonder, is Turkish coffee filtered? If not, can you filter Turkish coffee to make it cleaner? The answer is yes, you technically can filter it. However, after I compare Turkish coffee vs filter coffee, I hope you’ll understand why you should drink it unfiltered. And, just in case, I’ll teach you how to filter Turkish coffee if you really want to.

Turkish coffee vs filter coffee: Can you filter Turkish coffee? A picture introducing this article.

However, by the end, I hope to convince you why Turkish coffee is unique and delicious the way it is and why you should drink it unfiltered!

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Can You Filter Turkish Coffee?

While you technically can filter Turkish coffee in a variety of ways, I recommend drinking it the traditional way—unfiltered. The fine grounds are a crucial part of the Turkish coffee experience, adding to the texture and flavor of the drink. Lastly, filtering such a fine grind will be difficult since you are likely to clog most paper filters!

Is Turkish Coffee Filtered Normally?

Is Turkish Coffee Filtered?

After brewing Turkish coffee in the traditional pot, called a cezve or ibrik, you serve it unfiltered. The powdery grounds and thick foam should be part of the overall experience.

Besides the challenge of filtering such a fine grind, you will miss out on the thick texture and intense flavors that are part of drinking Turkish coffee in the traditional unfiltered method.

You can read more about what makes Turkish coffee different to appreciate the full details of this brewing method.

Does Turkish Coffee Have Grounds In It?

The preparation of Turkish coffee involves boiling finely ground coffee beans in a specialized pot, known as a cezve. The copper materials and long/narrow neck help develop the texture, foam, and intense flavor. And since you pour this mixture directly into the cup after brewing (aka unfiltered) you leave all the coffee grounds in the brew.

BCS 12 Oz Copper Turkish Coffee Pot


  • Copper Turkish coffee pot (made in Turkey) and wooden spoon
  • 2mm thickness (built for maximum durability)
  • Wooden handle for comfortable use
  • Engraved traditional floral pattern
  • 12 fl oz capacity

But as my home experiment with a clear Turkish tea glass shows below, you do not need to filter Turkish coffee. While some of the grounds will remain suspended in the liquid, most of them settle to the bottom by the time you drink it. The mixture is too hot to consume at first, and five minutes later, most of the coffee grounds settle to the bottom, as you can see in the second picture.

Does Turkish coffee have ground in it and do you filter Turkish coffee? This picture shows why you do not have to filter since the grounds settle to the bottom.

See Also: How To Choose The Best Turkish Coffee Pot & Cups

Is Filtering Turkish Coffee Possible Though?

I’ll admit, as somehow with a Turkish wife, I probably drink Turkish coffee over five times a week and might be a bit biased. So, if the thought of grounds disturbs you, can you filter them out to make Turkish coffee cleaner? Yes, if you are committed to filtering Turkish coffee, there are ways to filter it. You may miss out on some of the flavor and texture, but I can understand that everyone has specific ways of enjoying their coffee! Plus, new brewing methods develop over history as people experiment, so who knows what you might discover!

My Favorite Turkish Coffee Machine
Beko Turkish Coffee Maker


  • Perfect Turkish coffee every time, ready in 3 minutes.
  • 120V machine designed for North American outlets
  • Precise temperature to create extra foam
  • Easy to clean

The primary issue with filtering Turkish coffee is the fine grind. Mesh filters like those in a French Press will let through too many fine particles. And paper filters run the risk of clogging from the fine powder. In my experiments, the best method was to wait five minutes for the grounds to settle. Much like drinking Turkish coffee, you’ll only have to filter a small amount of grinds out. Pour gently and most grinds will remain behind.

Turkish Coffee vs Filter Coffee: Key Differences

Although the ratio for Turkish coffee is not as bold as espresso, you still use more coffee than a typical filter coffee recipe. However, this ratio is not the only reason why Turkish coffee is so strong.

The perception of strength also comes from the fine grinds and unfiltered serving style. In fact, that is what I love most about this unique and historical brewing method. So why do you filter Turkish coffee if it ruins the taste? I say you shouldn’t filter it. However, everyone has their preference, so the next section will cover the best way to filter Turkish coffee.

How To Filter Turkish Coffee

If you dislike the unfiltered taste enough to want to filter Turkish coffee, the steps below will be the best way to remove grounds without clogging your paper filter:

  1. Follow a standard Turkish coffee recipe, but do not pour anything out of your cezve.
  2. Wait approximately five minutes until most of the coffee grounds settle to the bottom of the Turkish coffee pot.
  3. Prepare a pour over coffee dripper and filter.
  4. Slowly/gently pour the Turkish coffee into the dripper, without disturbing the grounds on the bottom.

Are There Unfiltered Turkish Coffee Health Risks?

So is Turkish coffee bad for you? Are there any health risks to drinking unfiltered coffee? Like any nutritional question, the answer is usually complicated and depends on many factors. Ultimately, talk to your doctor to discover the best dietary decisions for your health.

However, this European Journal of Preventive Cardiology study did show that drinking filtered coffee was the healthier option.

Turkish Coffee Cup Set


  • 2 cups & 2 plates
  • Iznik porcelain used by the former Ottoman emperors
  • Classic Ottoman floral pattern
  • Perfect for Turkish, Greek, or espresso coffee.

Unfiltered coffee, for example, French Press and Turkish coffee, contain compounds such as diterpenes that can raise your LDL cholesterol levels. In the study, unfiltered methods showed 30 times the diterpene level than filtered methods like pour over coffee.

Note: If you love the intensity of full-immersion coffee brewing but want to filter your coffee for health concerns, consider siphon coffee, which combines both!

Turkish Coffee vs Filter Coffee: FAQs

This section will help review Turkish coffee and filtering by answering some of the most common questions.

Do you filter Turkish coffee?

The traditional brewing method for Turkish coffee involves boiling extremely fine coffee grounds in a specialized pot with a narrow neck called a cezve. After brewing, you serve Turkish coffee directly into the cups without filtering any of the grounds out.

Why is Turkish coffee not filtered?

The unfiltered serving style of Turkish coffee is a critical aspect of its taste and texture. The thick foam and bold flavors partly come from the fine coffee grounds suspended in the liquid. Plus, by the time you drink from your cup, most of the grounds have settled to the bottom, meaning you only drink some of them.

Is Turkish coffee healthier than filtered coffee?

There are mixed messages about whether Turkish coffee is healthier than filtered coffee. On the one hand, drinking the grounds means you ingest beneficial compounds such as chlorogenic acids and other antioxidants. However, filtering coffee also removes more harmful compounds like diterpenes that can raise cholesterol.

Filtering Turkish Coffee: Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you have a better appreciation for why Turkish coffee is an unfiltered brewing method. While you technically can filter it, the technique of waiting for the grounds to settle in your cezve is likely your best bet.

Any grinds that do not settle become part of the texture, and at most you’ll only ingest a small amount. Lastly, drinking Turkish coffee unfiltered allows you to have fun with tasseography, which is the Turkish fortune telling of reading the pattern of coffee grinds!

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